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  • Writer's picture@L.A.Summers

Can't we all just get along...

I'm pretty sure there are plenty out there who have a child/children with someone they just cannot seem to tolerate!

Now let's be real I'm 27, over the past 8 years I've been a mother to a beautiful young lady, however within those years I've also had my fare share of ups and downs with her other parent🙄

I can't stress enough that it's about communication, patience and compromise in any relation, however at times it's really difficult to have all those in place dealing with someone you can't tolerate.

I was having a conversation with a girlfriend a little while ago and she showed some obvious frustration towards the "other parent" she's been trying to have a life she explains but not feeling like she has totally had the opportunity too because the "other parent" won't let her! She proceeds to say the "other parent" consistently pries on her personal life and not about their child, yet does all these things without reciprocating the same respect ✊

I totally understand where my homegirls coming from, and if I don't impose than why should they... i feel like it all comes down to the conversation. Trying to have that open line of communication is important for your child no matter what and knowing which battle to fight. Either way boundaries most definitely need to be set.

How do you guys handle the "other parent" ?

By: @L.A.Summers

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