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  • Writer's picture@L.A.Summers

Christmas Traditions 🎄

When I was a child Christmas time was the best time of year for me. I just remember my mom going the extra mile every year, getting our family together cousins, aunts uncles.

It was those unforgettable moments that made me excited to gather with family I didn't get too see as often and share embarrassing moments, too laugh so hard we chocked, or to even have my sisters and cousins sneak out to smoke a joint outback.

We stuck together! it was beautiful when we came together,

My Aunts and mom always had a regimen Auntie Sue baked it was her thing, while Auntie B would just bring a disired dish, my mom thru down in the kitchen making all the fixings.

However we are all grown now, all with different lives and kids.

Some can't make the time, some relations no longer exist and well, that's okay because I guess thats life...right?🤔 (that's for a different topic)

So how do we implement our holiday traditions upon our kids the way our parents did without the family that made it happen and on a budget.

Pictures with santa/ Holiday photo

This may seem like an obvious one, but a lot of people miss out on the opportunity to get a holiday family photo. You can get this for free or at a really cheap rate.

Children's Holiday party

When I was young my church would always come together and have a children holiday party to give back to the community this showed me the value of the holidays. It's important to share such values with our children. There are so many different organizations in toronto that hold holiday parties for families. If you want to have a fun day with your munchkin this a great option.

Tree Decorating

Hello! What's Christmas/ the holidays without a tree. My mom used to always surprise me with the tree and I loved it every time. However making your own tradition, sometimes you got to spruce it up a bit. Get your kiddos together for a moment of bonding and fun with this timeless activity.

Baked holiday decorating

Now, who doesn't love baked goods around the holiday season I mean it's like cheat day x10!

But if your not a baker (like myself) than enjoy some holiday decorating ON baked goods. (It's the same thing isn't it?)

Christmas Dinner

Gathering together to eat and be merry is one of the most important details of the holidays. Share laughs and love around your table this season and make your fave dish OR get your mom to make your fave dish, and don't forget the rum!

Nom nom nom 😋


When I was younger, I used to go to Nathan Philip square with my class and we would just skate around until it was time to get some hot choolate and head back to school. It's amazing to able to share similar memories with my daughter on the same rink!

Get to your closest skating rink and go at it. Enjoy the winter ❄️

Whatever your Christmas/ Holiday Tradition is make it the best for your kids that's what they deserve! Happy Holidays!

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